Chilli peppers are some amazing and stunning “fruits” and plants. They come in sooo many different types and shapes and colors … I’m always stunned when I realise there are even more chillies out there I even didn’t know existed.
Now, I have this wonderful friend and neighbor – and almost every summer I get the pleasure and honour of looking after her garden and greenhouse when she’s off for vacation. Her greenhouse is filled with tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers and chilli of all kinds. Needless to say I looove soaking in all this borrowed goodness. And even better; she is the kindest and most generous person I know …. so she tells me I need pick veggies and herbs and flowers and chilli 🌶 while “babysitting ” the garden. 😊 I feel so lucky to have such an great neighbor and friend.
If you’re home for the summer I strongly recommend saying yes to babysit someone’s garden. It’s such a pleasure. 😊
Now, on to the fun part where you all can join in;
after my friend retuned home from her vacation we had an awesome garden party in her garden, we made some delicious food from her garden grown veggies and we picked and made canned chilli and pesto from garden herbs.
What an awesome idea!!
If you grow chilli in your garden and realise you’ll never eat that much chilli your entire lifetime – why not invite your friends over for a “make-and-take” party. 😊
🌶I’ll share our canned chilli recipe with you all…..
In a later post I’ll share more fun chilli pepper recipes and a post on the homemade pesto. 🌱
These are really simple and fun ideas and even more fun shared with a couple of friends 😊
This recipe can be used for any type of chilli peppers. We used yellow ones. They are super hot (!!) so make sure you wash your hands well and use some lemon essential oil on your fingers after making the canned chilli to get rid of the chilli from your fingers.
Canned yellow hot chilli peppers
You’ll need:
Glass jars with a tight lid.
Fresh chilli peppers (enough to fill the glass jars pretty tight)
500 ml water
500 ml apple cider vinegar (organic)
3 tbsps pomegranate vinegar
2 vanilla beans
150 ml organic sugar
1 cinnamon bark stick (if you prefer)
A pinch Of salt.
•Cut the stalks and ends off the chilli. You want the syrup to easily penetrate the chilli peppers.
•Bring the water, salt and sugar to boil for a few minutes until sugar is dissolved.
•Split the vanilla beans and add them to the boiling water. Add the cinnamon stick too.
• add the vinegar and stir well.
• make sure your jars are totally clean and warm.
• fill the jars tightly with freshly cut chilli.
• pour over the sugar-vinegar-solution. Add in a piece of vanilla bean and cinnamon stick to the jar if you like.
• tighten the lid and store your freshly canned chilli in the fridge for at least two weeks before use.
• the chilli will keep good for months if you keep the lid tight and store the jar in the fridge.
Her er oppskrift på hvordan man kan lage sin egen syltede chilli.
Du kan bruke all slags chilli til denne oppskriften. Vi brukte gul chilli – den er ekstra sterk 💥
Pass på å vaske hendene veldig godt etter at du har lagd chillien for å få vekk all den sterke chilli-saften.
Ha gjerne litt sitron eterisk olje på fingrene.
Syltet chilli
Du trenger glass med tett lokk
Nok chilli til å fylle glassene ganske fulle
5 dl vann
5 dl eplesidereddik
3ss granatepleeddik
1,5 dl økologisk sukker
2 vaniljestang
1 kanelstang (hvis ønskelig)
1/4 ts salt
• kutt av endene på chillien. Du vil at eddik-laken skal trenge inn i chillien.
• kok opp vann, salt og sukker slik at sukkeret løses opp i vannet.
• del vaniljestengene og skrap ut frøene. Ha frøene og hele vaniljestengene i sukkerlaken. Tilsett også kanelstengen.
• ha i eplesidereddik og granatepleeddikk.
• pass på at glassene er rene og varme.
• plasser chillien tett i tett i glassene med endene opp.
• tøm den varme syltelaken over chillien i glasset. Glassene bør bli helt fulle.
• ha i en bit vaniljestang og en bit kanelstang i hvert glass hvis du ønsker det.
• skru lokkene på glassene tett til.
• oppbevar den syltede chillien i kjøleskapet i minst to uker før bruk.
• den syltede chillien har lang holdbarhet i laken. Den holder seg fint i flere måneder i kjøleskapet.
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