Idag har jeg lyst til å dele en morsom hekleoppskrift på skjønne heklede sommerfugler. Disse sommerfuglene kan brukes til hårpynt, pynt på kjoler og jakker, som brosje eller til andre hobbyprosjekter. . De jeg deler her heklet jeg, og delte oppskriften på, for flere år siden, men jeg har oppdaget at oppskriften min har blitt populær igjen, så da tenkte jeg det var gøy å friske den opp og også dele den på både norsk og engelsk.
17.mai sommerfugl
Garn: Tynn babyull eller garn med strikkefasthet 27m=20cm på pinne 3

🇬🇧This is my version of the crochet butterfly pattern. I actually shared this pattern in Norwegian a few years ago – but I’ve recently discovered this pattern have gained popularity and I thought it was time to freshen it up a bit and also share the pattern in English.
The butterfly is seen here made with Scraps of super fine/ fingering weight yarn which is perfect for creating a whole flutter of multi‐coloured butterflies using a 3 mm hook.
The butterflies are great for brooches, hair slides, handbag charms or adding a special extra something to a gift wrap.
My butterflies were made specially for the Norwegian national nay when we dress up in traditional natural dresses and celebrate our country and freedom.
It is absolutely possible to vary the yarn thickness and hook size to make different sizes, use just one colour for a more sophisticated look.
yarn of your choice and appropriately sized
hook. (I’ve used thin woolen sock yarn, fingering weight- gauge 27 stitches knit on needles 3mm = 10 cm / 4inch)
Crochet hook 3 mm
Sewing needle with large eye.
Abbreviations: (British terms**)
ss Slip stitch
ch Chain
dc Double crochet
tr. Treble
ch sp. crochet Chain space
Round 1: Start with a ‘Magic Circle’ and work 3ch (stands as 1st tr), 2tr, 2ch, 3 tr, 2ch, *3tr,2ch, 3tr, 2ch, rep from * until you have 8 groups of 3tr separated by 2ch. Join with a ss into the top of the 3ch at the start of the round. If you are using 3 colours fasten off yarn and leave a tail to stitch in. Pull the tail of the ‘Magic Circle’ to close the hole, but leave a small space.
Round 2: Join new yarn in any ch.sp. Work 3ch (stands as 1st tr)2 tr, 2ch, 3 tr, into that ch.sp. then work 3tr, 2ch, 3tr into each ch sp in the round, join with a ss into top of 3ch. (Eight 3tr,2ch,3 tr groups) Fasten of yarn leaving as before.
Round 3: Join new yarn in any ch sp in the centre of a group. Work 3 ch(stands as 1st tr), 7 tr. SS into space between tr group. *Work 8tr into next ch sp, ss into space between group rep from * to complete round. Join with a ss going through the space between the groups and the top of the starting ch at the same time. Fasten off as before.
To Make Up:
Pull ends through at the back of the work to hide and cut off. Fold the work in half so that you have 2 scallop wings on each side.
Make a chain in your chosen colour twice the length you would like for the antennae. Fasten off and sew in the ends. Fold in half.
Using your chosen body colour stitch along the middle of the butterfly (I use a chain stitch) catching in the antennae at the top and you’re done. Now make lots!
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