Yes, ok, I’m a Norwegian, and of course we need woolen socks this time of year when it’s freezing cold. But you know what? I use my woolen socks all year round 🧦
What better to wear at a rainy day or when camping or at a hike….?
Besides hand knit socks are one of the best knitting projects to bring when you want to knit on the tram, on the bus, or wherever.
Hand knit socks are super gifts that most people really appreciate.
Here is a sweet little story from real life:
I sat on the bus one day. I worked on a little knitting project, probably socks or mittens or anything alike.
Two junkies entered the bus and sat on the seats across me. They commented on my knitting and I smiled and told them what I was working on.
Now they just started talking to each other and one of them told the other one he used to get homemade woolen socks for Christmas from his grandma when he was a kid. These socks was the very best ever. They kept on talking and the other guy told about his grandma knitting fancy sweaters and knitwear…
Now this little conversation got me thinking; hand knit socks (and other hand knit gifts of course) are for sure a under valued thing. We often view hand knit woolen socks as some little, everyday thing, something we use in our winter shoes to stay warm, but still those of us who knit really doesn’t see the true value of our small “everyday” knitting projects.
Never the less, remember a pair of homemade socks can keep someone warm.
Here is link to two of my sock patterns in English.
And here are a few in norwegian
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