The lilacs are still blossoming some places in Oslo.
I LOVE lilacs. They are the sign of spring evolving to summer, they bring the best scent, lovely color and promises of warm summer days and long, light summer nights. The bliss of warm air to the skin, bare feet on the grass, happy days in the garden.
If that isn’t good enough lilacs are also edible – perfect to sprinkle on top of desserts, cakes and salads for a festive look. You can even make syrup, jelly or whatever comes to your mind.
Today I want to share my lilac syrup recipe.
I’ve shared a recipe on lilac syrup earlier (maybe last year) too, but this year i changed it a bit, adedd more water and less sugar to lower the risk of the syrup becoming “sugary” or harden after storing.
This recipe is pretty simple. All you need is a little bit of patience, fresh, non polluted lilac flowers, sugar ( i use plain white sugar ) and water. And of course glass jars or bottles for your finished syrup.

Lilac syrup
1 litre water
500 ml lilac flowers
500 ml organic sugar
Fresh squeezed juice from 1/2 lemon.
Bring the water to boil and add the flowers. Let the water cool and let the flowers sit in the water for at least 6 hours.
Now drain away the flowers and keep the lilac-water.
Bring the lilac-water to boil, add sugar and lemon juice.
Let it boil on medium heat for aprx 20 minuets. Use a sugar thermometer. When the syrup reaches 110 degrees Celsius take it off the heat and fill the syrup on to clean jars with airtight lids.
If you don’t have a sugar thermometer you can simply add some drops of syrup on a teaspoon. When the syrup have cooled for a bit it’ll be like … yes, syrup …

The syrup will get stickier and less runny when cooled so make sure you don’t cook it for too long.
This syrup is perfect for desserts, cocktails, tea, cakes and where ever you want delicious tasty syrup.
Hope you enjoy this spring and summer time – and hope to see you back soon.
You can find more of my lilac recipes here on the blog.


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