Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc percipit et. Viris comprehensam quo ea. Vel cu omnes feugiat, zril probatus no est. His ut dicit senserit adipiscing. Detraxit vulputate constituam ne quo, ne justo contentiones nec. Eu eum impetus forensibus, has vidit similique repudiandae ad. Eos id enim vidisse perpetua. Magna ornatus vim ea, has ne ipsum labore oblique, ne error quidam fabellas vim. Et usu habeo invenire intellegam, mei no dicant impedit nominavi. Id maluisset repudiandae has, eu cum tota aeque, elitr audire in mel. Porro ponderum insolens et vis, at nec nihil doctus. Qui facer regione temporibus ea, ne delenit ...
Sample post divides into columns
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum ...
Naturlig lindring av migrene og hodepine
Jeg har skrevet om hodepine, migrene og eteriske oljer på bloggen flere ganger. Det er et tema jeg vet mange er intressert i og mange leter etter lindring av hodepine på naturlig måte. Jeg har selv vært mye plaget med hodepine. Det er dessverre arvet fra min mor som også har vært plaget med hodepine. Vi vet altså hva vondt i hodet er. Både migrene og spenningshodepine. Heldigvis har vi vært mindre og mindre plaget etter at vi innarbeidet eteriske oljer og en mer naturlig, giftfri livsstil i hverdagen. Men noen ganger slår hodepinen til og da er det fint å ha naturlig lindring. Det finnes konvensjonell medisin, migrenemedisin og smertestillende som til tider virker. Disse medisinene har også bivirkninger. Derfor har jeg vært opptatt av å ...
Bulgur salad for lunch
About a week ago i posted a couple of lunch box ideas. They were all in Norwegian just because I know these people in this northern corner of the world usually bring their lunch box for school, work, outdoors... whatever... I didn't realise my lunch box ideas would be appreciated all over the world. The lunch box post was actually one of the most popular posts... even if it was written in Norwegian only. So To make up and to bring all of my blog readers and blog friends the possibility to read my lunch box post the recipe today will be in English and Norwegian. I've made a super tasty, healthy, filling salad with bulgur and lots of fresh veggies. You can of course mix it up with whatever veggies you prefer. So without further ...
Garden berry tea
Today is tea Day. Fall has arrived in Oslo and it's getting colder. Lucky I'm prepared as I harvested leaves and some berries to dry and make this years garden-berry tea. I gathered green leaves from blackberry, black currant, red currant, wild strawberries Melissa and added in a few berries too. I let the green leaves air dry on a rack in my kitchen. I dried the berries at 70 degrees Celsius in the oven. When the leaves was dry I crushed them and added the crushed leaves and dry berries to a glass jar with an airtight lid. If you enjoyed this recipe for homemade garden berry tea, maybe you'll like my recipe for peppermint tea from the garden too. You'll find it HERE. ...
Best breakfast – god frokost
🇳🇴Norwegian👇🏻 Are you a morning person? Are you filled with joy and sunshine every morning? Do you like getting out of bed in the morning and get started with a good breakfast, coffe, exercise or whatever morning-people do in the morning.... or are you more like you want to stay in bed as long as possible, putting your clothes on, maybe some coffee and then off to do whatever your day brings? Either how, we all know our bodies need fuel to get started, and even if you jump out of bed and have your breakfast early or you need to take some time before you eat your first meal of the day it's a great idea to eat something healthy, something nourishing that fuel up your body in a good way. Today I want to share this easy made cold porridge ...
Potato&zucchini soup
Today is the first day of this semester of school and "everydays". So, after a wonderful weekend with vintage Volkswagen camping, racing and friends we dived into our Monday with our hearts filled with tons of good summer memories, laughter, hugs and sunshine ... So, for some reason I love the fresh start of new everydays. It gives me the opportunity to create new routines, start fresh and make changes. One of the things I love the most with "everydays" are planning, preparing and making the meals and gather the family for a healthy meal. I love the idea of sitting around the table taking time to eat healthy and share what ever happened in our day. The meal itself doesn't have to be fancy, actually I love simple, easy made, tasty ...
Skolestart med eteriske oljer
Det er den tiden på året igjen, ferien er på hell skole, studier, barnehage og hverdager starter igjen. Jeg har delt denne artikkelen om eteriske oljer til skolestart en gang tidligere, men syntes den var fin å finne fram igjen nå. Selv er jeg stor fan av sensommer og høst. Jeg liker det friske, draget av noe nytt, en ny start, nye muligheter …. men også det rytmiske, forutsigbare og trygge med hverdagens dur. Denne høsten håper jeg at mange av dere som leser bloggen min vil feire den nye starten på høsten med å gi deg selv og familien en ny start med naturlige, rene, fantastiske, virkningsfulle eteriske oljer. Kanskje du tror eteriske oljer bare er en motegreie. Kanskje du er skeptisk. Kanskje du er nysgjerrig og vil vite mer. Jeg kan ...
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