Me too! I love going to the fruit market and pick mangoes, peaches, melon, apples…. all kinds of fresh fruit.
What I really like about the vegetable / fruit market is that most of the fruits and veggies are not wrapped in plastic. But then, when we pick the fruit we’re about to buy we put it in little plastic bags … to reduce the use of plastic I decided I wanted to make some nets to use when I’m shopping for fruits and veggies that are easy to bring along in a handbag. So I decided to use some of my spare cotton yarn and crochet a veggie net. I’ll share the crochet recipe for my net in English and Norwegian.
Along my way I realised more people are thinking the same way as I do. They’re even selling veggie nets at for example Søstrene Grene (Scandinavian shop for all kinds of useful&unuseful things) this is great news for those of you that want to go plastic free but are less intrested in making your own plastic free bags. 😊
But now on to how you easily can make your own handmade crochet vegetable net.
If you have been crocheting a few times and know magic loop, chain, single crochet, and double crochet this should be a piece of cake and you’ll whip this up in no time.
If you’re new to crocheting it should be a pretty easy project too you just need to know the basic stitches.
Here is how to start with magic loop:
Here you go! Here is the recipe for my handmade crochet vegetable net. First in Norwegian then in English. Enjoy!
50g bomullsgarn med heklefasthet til pinne 3,5-4
Heklenål 3,5 – 4
Magic loop
Fastmasker fm
Luftmasker lm
Stavmasker st
Lag en magic loop og hekle 6 fm i ringen.
•hekle 2 fm i hver fm ut runden. Det er nå 12m på runden.
•hekle 2 fm i hver fm ut runden. Det er nå 24m på runden.
•start runden med 2lm. En fastmaske i første fm. 2 lm en fm i neste fm. Fortsett slik ut runden.
•siste bue på runden hekles 3lm og en fm i toppen av første fm på forrige rundes 2luftmaskebue.
•fortsett med 3lm, en fm i toppen av 2lm-bue.
•siste lm-bue hekles 4lm. Fest med 1 fm i toppen av første 3lm-bue.
•Hekle en runde med 4lm, en fm i toppen av hver 3lm-bue.
•neste runde hekles 5lm, en fm i toppen av hver 4lm-bue.
•6 lm 1 fm i toppen av lm buen på forrige omg.
•Gjenta 25 runder med 6lm-buer.
•når nettet har 25 runder med 6lm-buer eller har nådd passe lengde hekler du toppen av nettet slik:
•start med 2 lm, og 5 stavmasker, deretter 6stavmasker i hver 6lm bue ut runden. Fest med en maske i toppen av første stavmaske.
Kutt tråden og fest godt.
Tell 12 m fra siden. Legg opp 3lm, hekle 2 stavmasker i de neste stavmaskene langs kanten. Snu. Hekle 3lm 2 st. Snu. Fortsett slik til du har 17 omg eller så lang hank du ønsker. Tell 12m fra andre siden av nettet og fest hanken med 3fm i de neste tre stavene langs kanten av nettet. Kutt tråden og fest den.
Lag en tilsvarende hank til på andre siden av nettet.
Fest alle løse tråder godt.
Lag en flettet eller tvinnet tråd av resten av garnet og fest den i den øverste stavmaske-raden på posen slik at posen kan lukkes og knytes igjen.
Voila! Du har et fiks ferdig plastikkfritt nett til frukt og grønnsaker.
Plasic free vegetable net.
1 skein (50gram) cotton yarn suitable for needle 3,5-4mm
Stitches used:
Magic loop
Stitch st
Chain ch
Single crochet sc
Double crochet dc
Slip stitch slst
Start with a magic loop.
•Sc 6 stitches in the magic loop.
•Next round Sc 2 in every of the sc of previous round. Now 12 stitches.
•next round sc 2 in every 12 sc from previous round. Now 24 stitches.
•start round with 1sc, chain 2, one sc in next st, chain2. Continue like this to end of round.
•chain 3, 1 sc in top of previous chain2, chain 3, 1sc in top of previous chain 2. Continue to end of round.
•chain 4, 1 sc in top of previous ch3. Continue to end of round.
•chain 5, 1sc in top of previous ch4. Continue to end of round.
•chain 6, 1sc in top of previous ch5.
Continue to end of round.
•chain6, 1sc in top of previous ch6. Continue 25 rounds or to desirable size of net.
•making the top edge: start with ch2, double crochet 5, dc6 in every previous ch6 to end of round. Bind off.
•making the handles:
Counting 12 st from side of net start with 1slst, chain 3, dc2. Turn.
•ch3, dc 2, turn.
•continue like this 17 times or until desirable length of handle.
•count 12 st from other side of net
Fasten handle with 3sc in next 3st.
Bind off and fasten end of yarn.
•crochet one more handle on other side of the net.
•Bind off and fasten all loose ends.
Using the rest of the yarn make a thread to add to the top of the net so you easily can open and close the net.
•voila! Plastic free vegetable net ready to use.
You can use whatever suitable cotton yarn you have in your stash.
I fell in love with this colorful yarn from amazon so maybe it’ll be a colorful net next time.
these ready made nets are good for any non-crocheter. 😉
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