Idag deler jeg litt Advents-inspirasjon fra Pinterest. Jeg elsker å pynte med ting fra naturen, planter, blomster og gjenbruk av saker og ting og Pinterest er en fin kilde til ideer og tips. Her er noen favoritter ...
Tassel fun
Making your own DIY tassels are so simple and totally fun. Even the kids can join in on this easy diy. Good thing is you can use whatever scraps of yarn you have around your house. It doesn't even have to be the same color. Actually; the more the merrier. 😊 Here is a little step by step illustration on how to make your own diy tassels: Cut a piece of cardboard, a little bit lager than the size you want for your tassel. Add whatever yarn you like until the thickness of the tassel feels right. Add a piece of yarn on top of the cardboard and bind it tightly around top of tassel. Secure with a knot. Using a sharp scissor, cut trough all the loops of yarn on the opposite side of the cardboard from where you tied the knot. Using another ...
Wonderful DIY face serum with essential oils
I love making my own skin products using essential oils. It's so much fun to make, I know it's all natural and toxin free and it smells divine. Win win. If I read up on the oils I want to use for each product I can make sure the essential oils will work wonders for my skin, health and wellness too. Today I'm sharing a wonderful DIY face serum with jojoba oil and essential oils. Perfect for grownup skin. This is so easy to make and will make your face glow. I love this serum because it leaves my skin smooth and soft and not greasy. I've used pure organic jojoba oil and frankincense, rose, lavender and carrot essential oils. You can of course use whatever essential oils you prefer and what works best for your skin. Here is why I chose ...
DIY dryer balls for the softest laundry – all natural and sustainable 💚
🇬🇧&🇳🇴This tutorial is about my recent discovery -self made dryer balls. I've heard of them before, but never gave them a try. To be honest I was happy with my laundry soft and fresh from the dryer. The dryer balls however makes the towels even softer and fluffier and gives the laundry a nice, all natural scent if you like to use a few drops of essential oils on your dryer balls. Some years ago I read the list of ingredients on the fabric softener. That was quite enlightening! Now that I know about the chemicals that get added to the laundry with the commercial fabric softener, there is no way I'll use a fabric softener ever again. For my laundry I'm already using thieves laundry detergent by young living , my own homemade laundry soap ...
All natural moth balls using essential oils. – naturlige møllkuler med eteriske oljer.
🇬🇧&🇳🇴 The winter season is over and sweaters and warm winter clothes are being stored. To be honest I actually never store my woolen jackets too far away as I love to use them on cold, Nordic summer nights while camping or sitting outside in the light summer nights. Anyway, today I want to talk a little bit about natural moth prevention as you really don't want these in your wardrobe You want to protect your clothing from this particular pest. Moths. Moths are insects that are closely related to the butterfly. Moths are highly destructive and can destroy your clothing while storing it for next winter season. Most flying insects tend to be drawn towards the light, but clothes moths actually prefer to hide away in dark, ...
Yellow kashmere socks suitable for easter 💛 Free pattern
🇬🇧🇳🇴Easter holiday and time to relax and recharge and enjoying. I've brought home the yellow socks I knitted for Saturnia garn (the best yarn shop💛) as I think these socks make the perfect Easter socks. I've posted the knitting pattern in English and Norwegian all for FREE HERE Enjoy Easter and enjoy knitting! 💛💛 🇳🇴god påske!! Tid for å slappe av og lade batteriene. Jeg har tatt hveteaks-sokkene jeg strikket for saturnia garn med hjem for anledningen. Jeg tenkte disse gule, vakre, varme sokkene strikket med hot socks pearl garm med kashmere ville være perfekte påskesokker. Jeg har tidligere delt strikkeoppskriften på disse sokkene helt gratis HER på bloggen.(Trykk her eller på bildet over så kommer du til oppskriften) Så da er ...
Knit and felted easter basket 💛🧡 free pattern
🇳🇴🇬🇧Happy easter ! I've created a cute and colorful Easter basket to fill with colorful Easter eggs, oranges, chocolate or whatever you like. I'm sharing the pattern with you my darling blog friends all for free. 🇳🇴🇳🇴God påske!! Jeg har vært i påske-lage-ting-stemning og har strikket meg en søt påskekurv av restegarnet etter at vi hadde en liten "strikkeklubb" og lagde påskehøner som disse her hjemme. Kurven er super enkel og strikkes i løpet av en kveld. Den toves i vaskemaskinen og "voila!" Ferdig påskekurv med plass til påskeegg, påskegodt, appelsiner eller påskens frokostrundstykker. Oppskriften er helt gratis for dere, mine blogvenner. Scroll ned for norsk oppskrift. 😊😊 🇬🇧Knit Easter basketYarn : aprx 100 grams Sandnes ...
Hjemmelagd oppvaskmaskin-pulver 🌸 som virker
Jeg har tidligere skrevet en oppskrift på hjemmelagd, miljøvennlig maskinoppvaskmiddel. Det er seriøst en av de aller mest besøkte artiklene jeg har her på bloggen og har flere hundre klikk i uka. Det er veldig gøy! Det gleder meg utrolig masse at fler og fler blir intressert i hvordan de kan leve mer naturlig og miljøvennlig. Igår publiserte og videreformidlet @gronnerefamilie maskinoppvaskmiddelet på sin Instagram (husk å kikke innom og like hvis du er på IG) og det inspirerte meg til å re-poste min maskinoppvaskmiddel-post fra 2017 så det skal bli enklere å finne den for alle som er intressert. Jeg har altså lagd mitt eget, hjemmelagde, miljøvennlige, billige maskinoppvaskmiddel – som virker perfekt!!!  nå er oppvaskmiddelet ...
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