Det regner, det er høst og grått og det er surt og vått ute. Mest fristende er det å bare gjemme seg under teppet på sofaen. Har du en grå og litt «dårlig dag»? Alle har det sånn avogtil, men istedenfor å bare gå rundt å føle seg litt «grå og sur» tenkte jeg at jeg ville fortelle deg om eteriske oljer som kan få selv den gråeste regnværsdag til å lysne litt. Kanskje du syns dette med at eteriske oljer kan hjelpe på humøret og følelser høres ut som noe skikkelig «mumbojumbo»? Saken er at eteriske oljer er ikke magi. De er essensen av planter, nøye destillert og utvunnet for å bevare alle de gode egenskapene. Eteriske oljer er plantenes immunsystem og forsvarsverk. De inneholder som regel mye antioksidanter i tillegg til at de har ...
4 Fall diffuser favourites – eteriske oljer for høsten
🇬🇧🇳🇴Fall is time for cozy indoor snuggles and indoor activities. I love to knit, make, bake and plan for all the stuff i want to do before christmas. Scroll 👇🏻 for Norsk Fall is time for candles and Yummy scents. - I love to use my essential oil diffusers, not only to make my home smell divine but also to clean the air and strengthen my immune system, boost the mood and get more energy. - yes, pure essential oils used in a ultrasonic diffuser can provide all of this and at the same time being earth friendly, non toxic and sustainable. It just can't get any better. When it comes to using essential oils in diffusers I've been writing about some of the benefits in previous articles - you can find more on the topic here on the blog if you ...
Essential oils for stuffed nose and sinus congestion
As promised a few days ago I've written a bit about essential oils to help during colds, flu and sinus congestion. 🇳🇴artikkelen finnes på norsk her: 🇬🇧As you know I love my essential oils and they all help me keeping my immune system up and even soothe pain and all kinds of colds and flu if it should appear. Disclaimer: I'm no medical doctor and all content in this article is based only on my own and others experience using essential oils sir colds, flu, sinus congestion and stuffed nose. If you suffer from serious illness please contact your medical doctor . Now on to what I really wanted to talk about in this article: People all ...
Eteriske oljer til skolestart
Idag er det første skoledag for mange. Det er fint og spennende å starte på noe nytt, men kanskje også skremmende og utfordrende. Eteriske oljer kan kanskje være med på å gjøre starten på hverdag og nye utfordringer enda bedre ved å berolige, oppløfte, styrke og gi konsentrasjon, energi og støtte kroppen både fysisk og psykisk. Jeg har tidligere skrevet en artikkel om oljer til skolestart HER. I den artikkelen foreslår jeg eteriske oljer til mange forskjellige bruk og funksjoner nå som hverdagen er igang igjen etter sommeren. På bildet over viser jeg Valor for ro, trygghet og styrke og mot Clarity for klarhet, konsentrasjon, åpenhet og fokus White angelica beskytter og motvirker negativitet, er oppløftende og positiv. Stress away ...
Green matcha tea sugar scrub that will make you glow
🇬🇧🇳🇴Making sugar scrub for the skin is so easy and so fun - and the best side effect : the skin will glow, get nourishment and be exfoliated in a gentle, all natural way. I love try and make different recipes and different types of sugar scrubs. I make only small batches each time so they won't sit on my shelf for long. I prefer sugar scrub over salt scrub because I find the sugar scrub more gentle to the skin. This time I've made a green matcha tea sugar scrub for face and body. Matcha tea powder has tons of benefits - but the main reason I've used it in my scrub is because it contains a lot of antioxidants and is a natural detoxifier. I use coconut oil and white sugar in my scrub, but if you prefer brown sugar that's perfect too. I ...
Wonderful DIY face serum with essential oils
I love making my own skin products using essential oils. It's so much fun to make, I know it's all natural and toxin free and it smells divine. Win win. If I read up on the oils I want to use for each product I can make sure the essential oils will work wonders for my skin, health and wellness too. Today I'm sharing a wonderful DIY face serum with jojoba oil and essential oils. Perfect for grownup skin. This is so easy to make and will make your face glow. I love this serum because it leaves my skin smooth and soft and not greasy. I've used pure organic jojoba oil and frankincense, rose, lavender and carrot essential oils. You can of course use whatever essential oils you prefer and what works best for your skin. Here is why I chose ...
The best massage oil for blood circulation
🇬🇧🇳🇴 Have you ever had cramps or restless legs while going to sleep preventing you from actually sleeping? Or have you experienced tingling sensation in your hands or felt dizzy? Utilizing essential oils for circulation can help increase blood flow in your body. Truth be told, poor circulation can lead to decline in your general health! It's also extremely uncomfortable as it can cause cramps, tingling, dizziness and more. Not only does malfunction in your circulatory system cause discomfort, it also can lead to serious health problems. When there is proper blood circulation, every part of your body receives the oxygen and vital nutrients it needs to function optimally. On the other hand poor circulation prevents the free ...
DIY dryer balls for the softest laundry – all natural and sustainable 💚
🇬🇧&🇳🇴This tutorial is about my recent discovery -self made dryer balls. I've heard of them before, but never gave them a try. To be honest I was happy with my laundry soft and fresh from the dryer. The dryer balls however makes the towels even softer and fluffier and gives the laundry a nice, all natural scent if you like to use a few drops of essential oils on your dryer balls. Some years ago I read the list of ingredients on the fabric softener. That was quite enlightening! Now that I know about the chemicals that get added to the laundry with the commercial fabric softener, there is no way I'll use a fabric softener ever again. For my laundry I'm already using thieves laundry detergent by young living , my own homemade laundry soap ...