🇬🇧&🇳🇴This tutorial is about my recent discovery -self made dryer balls. I've heard of them before, but never gave them a try. To be honest I was happy with my laundry soft and fresh from the dryer. The dryer balls however makes the towels even softer and fluffier and gives the laundry a nice, all natural scent if you like to use a few drops of essential oils on your dryer balls. Some years ago I read the list of ingredients on the fabric softener. That was quite enlightening! Now that I know about the chemicals that get added to the laundry with the commercial fabric softener, there is no way I'll use a fabric softener ever again. For my laundry I'm already using thieves laundry detergent by young living , my own homemade laundry soap ...
All natural moth balls using essential oils. – naturlige møllkuler med eteriske oljer.
🇬🇧&🇳🇴 The winter season is over and sweaters and warm winter clothes are being stored. To be honest I actually never store my woolen jackets too far away as I love to use them on cold, Nordic summer nights while camping or sitting outside in the light summer nights. Anyway, today I want to talk a little bit about natural moth prevention as you really don't want these in your wardrobe You want to protect your clothing from this particular pest. Moths. Moths are insects that are closely related to the butterfly. Moths are highly destructive and can destroy your clothing while storing it for next winter season. Most flying insects tend to be drawn towards the light, but clothes moths actually prefer to hide away in dark, ...
Embracing spring with essential oils- part 5💚 all natural diy insect spray
🇬🇧🇳🇴Many people look forward to spring because it allows them to get back to their gardening and outdoor activities . If you’re a gardener who doesn’t want to worry about insect bites or insects ruining your plants, but still doesen't want to use harsh or toxic chemicals; there are many essential oils that can help in an all natural way - without harming the insects, your plants or you ... or any other living creatures for that sake. 😊🌱💚 I've made a blog post on the topic HERE if you like to know more. (It's written in Norwegian so please use the translation button if needed) 😊 One major advantage of using a blend of essential oils as an "insecticide" is that you won’t be dousing yourself and your plants with the toxic chemicals that are ...
Embracing spring with essential oils – part 3 💚 all natural Lavender oil face cleanser.
🇬🇧🇳🇴Are you tired of dry and dull winter skin? Why not try an oil cleansing for your face and skin? Perfect to make your skin glow and look healthy. Besides it's good for the skin of you just got your first tan Of the year . Lavender and frankincense are known to strengthen the skin, build skin cells in a healthy way and are good antioxidants that protect healthy cells. Cleansing with oil might seem a bit weird but did you know that oil cleansing can actually cleanse your pores better than traditional foaming cleansers? Oil cleansing melts away oil deposits and unclogs pores. It gently removes makeup and impurities leaving your skin feeling healthy, hydrated and beautiful. It also prevents drying and keeps your skin nourished and ...
Embrace spring with Essential oils 💚 part two – eteriske oljer om våren 💚 del 2
🇬🇧🇳🇴Create a Floral Oil Blend to Get Yourself into the Springtime Mood.💚🌱 This week and next week it's all about essential oils to use for all kinds of different purposes during spring time. Yesterday's post was about how we can use essential oils to fight seasonal sniffles and allergies. You can find the post here: http://www.gudruns.blog/2019/04/embrace-spring-with-essential-oils-💚-var-med-eteriske-oljer/When we think of spring, we think of green leaves and flowers that enhance the beauty of the outdoors. If watching the blossoming of flowers is your favorite part of spring, it’s time to get into the mood by making your own oil blend that’s derived from floral essential oils. There are many floral oils out there from which to choose. ...
Embrace spring with essential oils 💚 vår med eteriske oljer
🇬🇧🇳🇴At last, spring is right around the corner. Many people feel an immediate improvement in their mood and overall well-being when sunny, mild spring weather comes around. 🇳🇴Endelig er våren her. Mange føler seg lettere og gladere til sinns og nyter lysere, varmere dager. 🇬🇧If you’re ready to embrace this beautiful time of year, there are plenty of essential oils that can help in a wonderful natural way. Between fighting allergy symptoms, getting that spring cleaning out of the way and enjoying the floral aromas that permeate the air as the flowers bloom, there are many ways to use aromatherapy to help you make the most of spring - so I've planned a mini series of blog posts the next two weeks on how to embrace spring with essential ...
Energising essential oils 🌱 mer energi med eteriske oljer
7 Essential Oils for Energy 🇬🇧🇳🇴happy day. Hope Your Day is good. Today i want to share a few essential oils wich have been important to me to make my life easier. did you know smells and scents make a great inpact on how our brain reacts? It's true. It takes about 20 seconds from you recognise a smell until it reaches your brain and starts communicating to your body and brain. Thats pretty intresting. It's no secret I've been struggling with super low energy levels and heavy fatigue ever since my cancer treatment. For a long time, and it still does some times, this made me really sad and depressed. I'm a highly energetic person and not being able to do anything without being totally exhausted or being tied to the couch for days and weeks ...
Diy healing balm for glowing skin
Happy Friday! Today I'm off to the mountains for a skiing weekend with wonderful friends. Probably last skiing this winter as we all hope for a little more spring in the air now. Nevertheless I'm looking forward to some winter skiing fun and great outdoor activities with friends. If you are familiar with winter, skiing, specifically downhill skiing and dry indoor winter air you probably know this can be really tough on your skin - so today's post is all about a wonderful homemade skin salve. This salve can be used as a salve but also as skin wash. Sounds strange? Washing your skin with a salve?!? To be honest it's actually one of the best ways to wash your face both gentle and nourishing to the skin. I love this recipe and am so happy ...