Flere nattugler som er våken om natta? Egentlig vil jeg sove, men i kveld gikk det ikke så bra med sovingen. Kroppen er urolig og det klør overalt. Da er det godt å kunne stå opp, drikke en god kopp beroligende te og sette på diffuseren med de beste beroligende eteriske oljer, ta litt lavendel eterisk olje under føttene, på håndleddene og bak ørene. Jeg elsker mine eteriske oljer. De hjelper på en naturlig og god måte og er naturens apotek. Søvn er en av de tingene der etetiske oljer har dokumentert effekt. Jeg har tidligere skrevet ganske inngående om eteriske oljer og søvn her på bloggen. Du finner det her: http://www.gudruns.blog/2018/04/sov/ I natt hat jeg satt på min diffuser med 5 dråper lavendel 3 dråper frankincense 3 ...
DIY musclerub for sore muscles
🇬🇧🇳🇴This homemade muscle rub is surprisingly simple and so, so helpful when it comes to pain and inflammation. It’s loaded with essential oils like ravintsara, peppermint and cinnamon to give it that warm-cool sensation that’s so good for muscles. Plus it’s got a creamy consistency that swipes on easily and sinks in quickly. Just a dab or two applied directly to hot spots can have you back up and running in no time. 🇳🇴denne hjemmelagde muskelsalven er utrolig enkel å lage og veldig effektiv mot smerte og betennelse. Den består av gode eteriske oljer som ravintsara (kamfer), peppermynte og kanel som gir kremen en varmende-avkjølende effekt. Den har kremet konsistens som lett trekker inn og lar de eteriske oljene virke. Et strøk med ...
Keep Your wooden cuttingboard fresh and clean. All natural.
A little Hello from my kitchen today and some all natural cleaning solutions. My favorite kitchen tool has to be my wood cutting board – it gets a workout every day for almost every meal. I even use my wooden cutting boards to serve bread and cheese and spread for lunch or bread slices for soups. To keep a classic wood cutting board in good shape, here’s how you should clean and care for it in a all natural toxic free way. STEP 1: CLEANMostly it's ok to just wipe the cutting board clean with a damp cloth - no soap or cleaning products needed. I tend to being sceptical to use soap or toxic cleaners on my cutting board ... really! It's the place I cut the food I eat - I don't want any harmful stuff here. When a quick wipe won’t cut it, bust ...
Homemade all natural aromatherapy Air freshners
[EN/NO] Making homemade Air freshners using essential Oils is a wondrful, simple, affordable way to use a splash of aromatherapy and all natural wellness to your home. I love making and using room spray or air freshners based on essential Oils. a) They are all-natural and allow you to experience the health benefits of essential oils at the same time. b) They smell wonderful! They don’t smell fake and contain extremely toxic chemicals like commercial air fresheners do. c) It’s cheap to mix them up. d) You can play around with scents and find what you like the best. e) they'll give you health benefits and give you cleaner air in your home and makes you feel better. Å lage hjemmelagde luftfriskere / room spray med eteriske oljer er en ...
Oregano – the unsung hero and immune booster
🇬🇧🇳🇴Today I want to sing out for a shy and silent but extremely powerful friend in the world of essential oils. Oregano is a unsung hero of the essential oil world. It’s an incredible tool to help you stay healthy! 🇳🇴idag har jeg lyst til å lage en egen artikkel til en beskjeden og litt stille men kraftfull venn i en verden av eteriske oljer. Oregano eteriske olje er en ukronet helt i verdenen av eteriske oljer. Den er et fantastisk verktøy for å hjelpe deg å holde deg frisk og holde uønskede bakterier og virus unna. 🇬🇧So get our your Oregano Oil…and show your immune system a little love! Oregano oil has known antioxidant properties and is extremely valuable in the quest to maintain optimal cellular health and vitality. It is an ...
Diffuser blends for winter and Christmas time
🇳🇴&🇬🇧 Today have been a freezing cold but beautiful day in Oslo. It's a frozen, crystal layer on trees and branches and almost everything outside. Idag har det vært iskaldt men utrolig vakkert her i Oslo. Det ligger et nydelig lag av rimfrost overalt og de korte timene med lys gir et risa-gyllent skinn. I feel like the Christmas spirit is coming early to me this year ... maybe it's the cold weather or maybe it's just that I've already started baking Christmas cookies with friends or maybe it's because of my diffuser spreading the wonderful scents of pure essential oils in my home. Jeg føler at julestemningen har kommet tidlig til meg Iår. Det er tross alt ikke 1.desember ennå. Kanskje det er på grunn av det kalde været, kanskje det ...
Favourite fall diffuser blends
🇬🇧&🇳🇴The best about fall and chilly, rainy, grey days are the idea of staying indoor doing indoor activities I love... knitting, baking, making food, writing articles for the blog and playing with my essential oils. 🇳🇴Det beste med høst, regn-og-ruskevær og kaldere dager er at jeg med god samvittighet kan være inne og gjøre inneaktiviteter jeg liker; strikke, bake, lage mat, skrive blog-artikler og "leke" med mine eteriske oljer. 🇬🇧I'm trying to swap out as many chemical-filled products around my home for more natural ones. I like to call it DITCH + SWITCH. 🇳🇴jeg prøver å bytte ut så mange giftige kjemikalier rundt i huset jeg bare kan og istedet bruke naturlige produkter og eteriske oljer. Jeg kaller det DITCH&SWITCH. 🇬🇧So today I ...
36 eteriske oljer for lommeboka – 36 budget friendly Essential oils
🇬🇧&🇳🇴This article is all about essential oils on a budget, and will be in English and Norwegian. The translation is along the text so you'll have to scroll trough the whole post to read it all. I love my essential oils. I love them so So much that I have a shelf with all my oils in my kitchen and I go there to sniff and use them trough my day, in my diffuser, on my skin, in my Food and drinks, as suppliment, for wellness, for cleaning.... I use my essential oils every single day. Not all of them of course! I have some favourites, some must haves and some oils that keep me healthy and make me feel well that I use every day. I have some oils I use occasionally and some oils I use for specific issues. Some time ago someone asked me if ...