🇬🇧&🇳🇴Roses. I love roses. The scent, the color and the fact that roses has a wonderful, healing and softening effect on the skin. The scent is uplifting and inspiring and it's impossible to be anything else but happy when you feel the whiff of real roses. Every summer I really want to preserve this wonderful scent of roses. There are lots of ways to preserve roses or make tasty or useful homemade stuff out of roses. Today I want to share my simple, basic homemade rose water. This rose water can be used in many different ways. I love to use my plaid rose water as a face mist every single day. It feels kinda luxurious to wake up with a splash of homemade, fresh rose water from a cute spray bottle. I keep my rose water in a cool ...
Embracing spring with essential oils- part 5💚 all natural diy insect spray
🇬🇧🇳🇴Many people look forward to spring because it allows them to get back to their gardening and outdoor activities . If you’re a gardener who doesn’t want to worry about insect bites or insects ruining your plants, but still doesen't want to use harsh or toxic chemicals; there are many essential oils that can help in an all natural way - without harming the insects, your plants or you ... or any other living creatures for that sake. 😊🌱💚 I've made a blog post on the topic HERE if you like to know more. (It's written in Norwegian so please use the translation button if needed) 😊 One major advantage of using a blend of essential oils as an "insecticide" is that you won’t be dousing yourself and your plants with the toxic chemicals that are ...
Magical full moon tea
With the full moon here (and Yes, super moon too) just these days, (on January 21st to be precise) I thought I'd share with you a recipe for full moon tea - just for fun. All people and the energy in nature are affected by the moon - either they know it or not. Some of us have trouble sleeping during full moon, some are more emotional..... in previous times people were much more aware of the moon and how it affected the nature, animals, the seeds and plants. I recommend reading more about the moon and it's energy to better understand. Making full moon tea is a fun way to make herbal iced tea and take a deep breath a second to rewind and enjoy the beautiful moon. With the moon being a feminine energy, this is a method to use if ...
Garden berry tea
Today is tea Day. Fall has arrived in Oslo and it's getting colder. Lucky I'm prepared as I harvested leaves and some berries to dry and make this years garden-berry tea. I gathered green leaves from blackberry, black currant, red currant, wild strawberries Melissa and added in a few berries too. I let the green leaves air dry on a rack in my kitchen. I dried the berries at 70 degrees Celsius in the oven. When the leaves was dry I crushed them and added the crushed leaves and dry berries to a glass jar with an airtight lid. If you enjoyed this recipe for homemade garden berry tea, maybe you'll like my recipe for peppermint tea from the garden too. You'll find it HERE. ...
Dried yellow chilli
Good day! While working on some larger projects and preparing a description and pattern for the crochet shawl I've been working on for a while I wanted to share a fun little project with you. I loooove these useful and tasty homegrown, dried yellow chilli peppers. You might already have seen my canned yellow chilli peppers ... you'll find it HERE http://www.gudruns.blog/2018/07/canned-yellow-hot-chilli-peppers-💥/ I also saved some of the chillis from my friends garden to hang dry in my kitchen. I love making my own chilli powder or chilli flakes to use in my cooking. Drying whole chilli peppers are easy peasy. You just pick whole chilli grab a needle and thread and use the needle to "sew" the chilli peppers on to the thread. I ...
Instant sunshine popsicles ☀️
Peppermint-Melissa tea popsicles with Caramelised kumquat Wow! How cool is that?!? To make popsicles of tea made from your own homegrown garden herbs!! I love herbal tea made of peppermint and Melissa - it’s fresh, cooling and uplifting. It works perfect both as warm tea and ice tea, so if you have some leftovers after making tea in your tea pot, don’t throw it away! And as a bonus melissa and peppermint both have some wonderful medical properties. Soothing, calming, antibacterial, supporting digestion and so on. So, I got this idea it might be yummy to make iced tea popsicles. I had a few kumquat from my friends greenhouse and I wanted to use these for something fun. Citrus are all uplifting and works as instant sunshine. So this ...
Gardeners Peppermint tea. 🌱 (and how to easily dry your garden herbs)
Peppermint tea made of real peppermint leaves from the garden is one of my all time favourites. ❤️ Peppermint isn't just tasty and have a wonderful aroma and scent it also has soothing and cooling effects it helps digestion and makes you feel more comfortable after eating a heavy meal. And if you wonder why people of Northern Africa drink sweet, warm peppermint tea during the warmest days, I can tell you; peppermint is cooling and the warm beverage makes the body absorb the water and liquid more easily... and if you sweeten the tea using for example honey you'll have a little boost of energy during the day... specially after lunch ... So, my favourite peppermint tea is made of peppermint leaves from the garden. You can use fresh ...
Canned Yellow hot chilli peppers 💥
🇳🇴👇🏻 Chilli peppers are some amazing and stunning "fruits" and plants. They come in sooo many different types and shapes and colors ... I'm always stunned when I realise there are even more chillies out there I even didn't know existed. Now, I have this wonderful friend and neighbor - and almost every summer I get the pleasure and honour of looking after her garden and greenhouse when she's off for vacation. Her greenhouse is filled with tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers and chilli of all kinds. Needless to say I looove soaking in all this borrowed goodness. And even better; she is the kindest and most generous person I know .... so she tells me I need pick veggies and herbs and flowers and chilli 🌶 while "babysitting " the ...