🇬🇧🇳🇴 hello from winter wonderland in Oslo. Today everything is covered under a white, beautiful blanket of snow. Perfect for this Christmas season. Hallo fra snødekt Oslo idag. Snøen har lagt seg som et nydelig, hvitt teppe og gir meg massevis av julestemning. 🇬🇧Today I'll share a fun little recipe on some yummy "healthy" or at least 100% natural, berry sweet rolls. These sweets are super easy to make and you can mix up the berries you use and the flavours to your own liking. These are perfect gifts for a sweet tooth. And for people like me, who love berry flavour, this is totally perfect. I've set the amount of sugar in the recipe from 1/2 dl to 1 dl. This is so you can make it according to the berries you've chosen and to your ...