🇬🇧🇳🇴This week Sol made a delicious banana bread and we decided it was on time trying some cool varieties - so we came up with this banana- apple bread. For Norsk scroll👇🏻 The banana bread is super yummy, perfect for fall. Grab some vanilla ice cream or whipped cream along with the banana apple bread. Enjoy!! happy weekend!! This post contains affiliated links. If you buy something trough the link I'll earn a small percentage at no extra cost for you. INGREDIENTS 2 ripe bananas, peeled (mashed) 1-2 apples (shredded) 1/3 cup melted butter, unsalted or salted 1 teaspoon baking soda Pinch of salt 1/2- 3/4 cup sugar 1 large egg, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/3 cups of all-purpose ...
Pai – Praktisk lunsj, turmat og fredagsmat
Torsdag idag, ja. Men allikevel legger jeg ut et lite tips til god og praktisk fredagsmat. Broccoli pai - eller pai generelt er godt, enkelt og praktisk. Du kan fylle paien med det du ønsker. Min er fylt med broccoli, vårløk og soltørka tomat sammen med egg og ost. Bruk det du har, du kan gjerne bruke rester av kokt potet eller kokte grønnsaker, sopp, fisk, kjøtt eller kylling. Liker du skinke eller bacon kan du ha det oppi. Bruk fantasien. 😊 Det du trenger er en form til å legge paideigen oppi. Bruk en stor form eller lag mange små paier i muffinsformer. Det er superfint å ha med som matpakke eller på tur. Broccoli og vårløk-pai med soltørket tomat kjøp en ferdig paideig i butikken til ca Kr 15.- eller lag din egen ...
studentens curry-gryte
Det er lørdag og tid for noe godt å spise. Kanskje litt ekstra luksus? Jeg har lagd oppskrift på en enkel og god curry gryte. Den er ganske grei prismessig, men du kan gjøre den mer "luksuriøs" hvis du tilsetter kyllinfilét i biter. Oppskriften er nok til 4 personer hvis du lager ris eller nudler vedsidenav. Er du bare én kan du fint fryse resten i et par mindre bokser, så har du god middag til senere. 😊 Prislappen for den vegetariske varianten (uten kylling) ser slik ut: Eldorado wok blanding : 21 kr Paneng red curry : 18 kr Kokkosmelk : ca 15 kr First price paprika: ca 12 kr 1 løk (ikke med på bildet): 6 Kr First price sjampinjong: 9 kr Sum: 81 kroner. Dette holder til middag til 4 sammen med ris eller ...
Supergod sommersalat
🇳🇴&🇬🇧Kan ikke tenke meg noe bedre enn en god, fresh salat på en av sommerens varmeste dager. (Scroll down for English version 😊) Idag deler jeg oppskrift på en superenkel broccoli salat. Denne fikk jeg smake på Sørlandet i ferien - og siden har jeg hatt dilla på den. Svein Arne (camillapappa) delte generøst oppskriften med meg, men det er mulig den jeg deler her er litt forenklet. Denne salaten er perfekt sammen med grillmat, fisk, spekemat eller som påleggssalat. Anbefales!! :-) Broccoli salat 1 broccoli (Eller 1/2 broccoli og 1/2 blomkål) 1/2 rød løk 2 vårløk 150 g lettmajones 3 dl rømme 1/2 ts hvitløkspulver Salt og pepper etter smak •riv broccolien (og blomkålen) på et rivjern. Stilken også! Eller ...
The best homemade cherry-tropical nicecream❤️
🇬🇧🇳🇴I think the best part about days off and holidays are having time to make all kinds of yummy, homemade food and enjoy good meals with family and friends. Today I want to share one of my all time favourite desserts; nicecream - an icecream made frozen banana, frozen fruit and berries and optional plant based milk to make it easier to blend. Making nicecream is super simple and it's always always tasty and all people will love it. Today's nicecream is made of frozen banana, mango, pineapple and cherries but you can change it up and use whatever fruits and berries you have on hand. The "cream base" in this recipe is frozen banana and oat milk so this nicecream is all vegan too. 😊 Cherry-tropical nicecream 3-4 servings 1 1/2 frozen ...
Homemade spicy hummus – free recipe
🇬🇧🇳🇴Happy wednesday and happy spring 💚🌱 Today I've been out on a hike with one of my best hiking buddies 💚 this time we enjoyed spring weather in the near by woods and along the local river. The spring flowers are just starting to peek out and the birds are "all over" singing and whistling. I'm feeling like I fall in love with nature all over again each time I take a walk or go on a hike. Springtime and the sunny, yet a little bit cold air, invited us to bring lunch and have picnic in the woods - which brings me to today's recipe. I brought home baked bread and homemade spicy hummus as bread spread - topped with finely chopped celery and pumpkin seeds. I love this spicy hummus on freshly baked bread - and thought maybe you would like ...
Homemade veggie soup for free (almost) 💚 nesten gratis grønnsakssuppe
🇳🇴God kveld mine venner 🇬🇧Good evening my friends. Today i want to share a recipe for a super simple, almost free veggie soup. This is perfect for cleaning out scraps and bits and pieces and leftover vegetables from your fridge , saving unnecessary food waste. 😊 I often save the broccoli- or cauliflower-stalks, too soft tomatoes, pre cooked veggies from the dinner the previous day, a carrot that has been a bit soft, leftover squash, pumpkin, potatoes celery or whatever vegetables sits in my fridge. The soup is all vegan and you can spice it up exactly the way you prefer and like it. I've used a pre made korma paste and a spoonful of green Thai curry to spice up my soup but you do whatever you like. I have made some indian poppadom flat ...
Colorful, good morning
🇬🇧🇳🇴Good morning friends. So why not start the day with a colorful, healthy, tasty smoothie bowl. Why smoothie bowl you might ask. I love smoothie bowls because it gives me the opportunity to make a really thick smoothie and then top it off with my favourite granola, musli, nuts, seeds, berries and fruits. I love to make a happy healthy meal out of my smoothie. And that's where the smoothie bowls come in handy. Today i would love to share one of my all time favourite bright red smoothie bowls. Recipe: 100 ml red beetroot 100 ml raspberries 100 ml blueberries 150 ml iced herbal tea or kombucha 1 tbsp honey Blend all the ingredients well in a blender. Add more iced tea if necessary. Add your smoothie to a bowl and top off with ...