Idag tenkte jeg å invitere dere blogleserene mine på en god sommer-lunsj. Visste du at mange av blomstene og plantene på enger, i skogen og i hagen er spiselige og tilogmed gode? I tillegg er jo blomster utrolig vakre som pynt på maten. Før i tiden spiste jo folk det de kunne finne av spiselige planter. Idag trenger vi ikke det, men det er allikevel gøy å kunne gå ut å finne og sanke planter som smaker godt og er nyttige. Plantene jeg har brukt idag er •Gaukesyre også kalt skogsyrehar en syrlig, sitronaktig smak. God i salat •agurkurt finnes i mange urtehagen selv om mange ikke vet hva den kan brukes til. Planten har litt stikkende hår men blomstene er utrolig vakre og har mild og god smak. Passer perfekt som pynt på mat, kaker og ...
Magical full moon tea
With the full moon here (and Yes, super moon too) just these days, (on January 21st to be precise) I thought I'd share with you a recipe for full moon tea - just for fun. All people and the energy in nature are affected by the moon - either they know it or not. Some of us have trouble sleeping during full moon, some are more emotional..... in previous times people were much more aware of the moon and how it affected the nature, animals, the seeds and plants. I recommend reading more about the moon and it's energy to better understand. Making full moon tea is a fun way to make herbal iced tea and take a deep breath a second to rewind and enjoy the beautiful moon. With the moon being a feminine energy, this is a method to use if ...
Garden berry tea
Today is tea Day. Fall has arrived in Oslo and it's getting colder. Lucky I'm prepared as I harvested leaves and some berries to dry and make this years garden-berry tea. I gathered green leaves from blackberry, black currant, red currant, wild strawberries Melissa and added in a few berries too. I let the green leaves air dry on a rack in my kitchen. I dried the berries at 70 degrees Celsius in the oven. When the leaves was dry I crushed them and added the crushed leaves and dry berries to a glass jar with an airtight lid. If you enjoyed this recipe for homemade garden berry tea, maybe you'll like my recipe for peppermint tea from the garden too. You'll find it HERE. ...
Kirsebærsaft 🍒 cherry “lemonade” syrup
English👇🏻 God mandag!! Jeg håper du har hatt en riktig god helg. Jeg har kost meg med aktiviteter som gjør meg glad og gir energi. Jeg har vært sammen med familien, venner og de jeg er glad i, og jeg har høstet og syltet og saftet og tatt vare på gaver fra naturen og hagen. Det gjør meg alltid utrolig glad når jeg ser at frukt og bær og grønnsaker modnes og vi kan bruke det til å lage ting som vi kan glede oss over på kjøkkenet. Idag har jeg lyst til å dele min oppskrift på kirsebærsaft. Jeg har et lite tre med sure kirsebær i hagen og i år ga det lille treet så mye bær at det ble 5 flasker saft. Hurra! Kirsebær er veldig takknemlige bær å lage saft av. Saften blir god, vakker farge og den holder seg godt. Selv bruker jeg en ...
Homemade Raspberry Popsicles ❤️
🇳🇴👇🏻 Must love raspberry season; Eirun and I picked sooo much wild raspberries the other day in the forest ... so every day we find a new way to use the precious berries. Serving our very best raspberry - elderflower popsicles today..... the perfect birthday treat for our 20 year old. 😊 For Norwegian recipe scroll down 👇🏻 Raspberry elderflower popsicles 200 ml elderflower lemonade (diluted as described) (you can find the recipe for our homemade elderflower limonade here ) 1-2 tbsps organic sugar 400 ml freshly picked raspberries • add all the ingredients to a blender and blend well. • pour the blended raspberries trough a swift to get rid of all the little seeds. • pour the raspberry mix into popsicle molds and freeze for at ...
raspberry vanilla cream pie
🇳🇴👇🏻 Today we've had another celebration in our household. Yes, we love celebrations of all sorts 😊 So, we celebrated Iver's homecoming after finishing his one year duty at the Norwegian army. We also kinda pre-celebrated his 20th birthday this upcoming week. And because we are in the middle of the raspberry season and because Eirun and I picked some huge buckets of raspberries in the forest yesterday - what better to serve for the celebration than raspberry- vanilla cream pie. Ok, I admit we had raspberry cream cake and some chocolate mousse too .... but today I'll share the super yummy raspberry vanilla cream pie with you. Hope you'll like it. (Scroll down for English recipe 😊 Norwegian description and recipe in the middle of post ...
Cheers to the weekend
So, I was bragging about the unbelievably tasty elderflower limonade I got from my mom as a gift for my birthday. This limonade is so good and really versatile. You can mix it with water and drink it as limonade. You kan mix it with hot water, lemon and honey and drink it as tea (it's super good for your immune system) You can mix it with mineral water and a drop of freshly squeezed lemon or lime and drink it as a sparkling refreshment ... you can add it to your smoothie or any juice to add the delicious taste of elderflower... you can add it to sherbet, desserts, you can even mix it with a little bit of prosecco to make a summery, festive drink or mix it with white rhum, freshly squeezed lime, peppermint leaves, sugar and soda to make ...
More lilacs
After one evening with rain the sun is back. Now I must say I love the sun but still always feel so refreshed after a little summer rain. The smell of the soil, the grass and flowers and even the colours are more intense after a little rain. So today, as promised in my last post about lilacs and lilac recipes , I'll share a couple more of my favourite lilac recipes. I've actually added one more really tasty and pretty "healthy " one as well along with the sweet and tangy lilac-lime jelly, you'll get to know my lilac-vanilla-yoghurt ice cream and some super cute sugar frosted lilac flowers for decorating. Lilac&lime jelly 5 dl water (2 cups) 5 dl lilac flowers 5 dl organic sugar 15 grams gelatine powder Fresh squeezed juice from ...