🇬🇧&🇳🇴This tutorial is about my recent discovery -self made dryer balls. I've heard of them before, but never gave them a try. To be honest I was happy with my laundry soft and fresh from the dryer. The dryer balls however makes the towels even softer and fluffier and gives the laundry a nice, all natural scent if you like to use a few drops of essential oils on your dryer balls. Some years ago I read the list of ingredients on the fabric softener. That was quite enlightening! Now that I know about the chemicals that get added to the laundry with the commercial fabric softener, there is no way I'll use a fabric softener ever again. For my laundry I'm already using thieves laundry detergent by young living , my own homemade laundry soap ...
Hjemmelagd oppvaskmaskin-pulver 🌸 som virker
Jeg har tidligere skrevet en oppskrift på hjemmelagd, miljøvennlig maskinoppvaskmiddel. Det er seriøst en av de aller mest besøkte artiklene jeg har her på bloggen og har flere hundre klikk i uka. Det er veldig gøy! Det gleder meg utrolig masse at fler og fler blir intressert i hvordan de kan leve mer naturlig og miljøvennlig. Igår publiserte og videreformidlet @gronnerefamilie maskinoppvaskmiddelet på sin Instagram (husk å kikke innom og like hvis du er på IG) og det inspirerte meg til å re-poste min maskinoppvaskmiddel-post fra 2017 så det skal bli enklere å finne den for alle som er intressert. Jeg har altså lagd mitt eget, hjemmelagde, miljøvennlige, billige maskinoppvaskmiddel – som virker perfekt!!!  nå er oppvaskmiddelet ...
Homemade veggie soup for free (almost) 💚 nesten gratis grønnsakssuppe
🇳🇴God kveld mine venner 🇬🇧Good evening my friends. Today i want to share a recipe for a super simple, almost free veggie soup. This is perfect for cleaning out scraps and bits and pieces and leftover vegetables from your fridge , saving unnecessary food waste. 😊 I often save the broccoli- or cauliflower-stalks, too soft tomatoes, pre cooked veggies from the dinner the previous day, a carrot that has been a bit soft, leftover squash, pumpkin, potatoes celery or whatever vegetables sits in my fridge. The soup is all vegan and you can spice it up exactly the way you prefer and like it. I've used a pre made korma paste and a spoonful of green Thai curry to spice up my soup but you do whatever you like. I have made some indian poppadom flat ...
Keep Your wooden cuttingboard fresh and clean. All natural.
A little Hello from my kitchen today and some all natural cleaning solutions. My favorite kitchen tool has to be my wood cutting board – it gets a workout every day for almost every meal. I even use my wooden cutting boards to serve bread and cheese and spread for lunch or bread slices for soups. To keep a classic wood cutting board in good shape, here’s how you should clean and care for it in a all natural toxic free way. STEP 1: CLEANMostly it's ok to just wipe the cutting board clean with a damp cloth - no soap or cleaning products needed. I tend to being sceptical to use soap or toxic cleaners on my cutting board ... really! It's the place I cut the food I eat - I don't want any harmful stuff here. When a quick wipe won’t cut it, bust ...
Oregano – the unsung hero and immune booster
🇬🇧🇳🇴Today I want to sing out for a shy and silent but extremely powerful friend in the world of essential oils. Oregano is a unsung hero of the essential oil world. It’s an incredible tool to help you stay healthy! 🇳🇴idag har jeg lyst til å lage en egen artikkel til en beskjeden og litt stille men kraftfull venn i en verden av eteriske oljer. Oregano eteriske olje er en ukronet helt i verdenen av eteriske oljer. Den er et fantastisk verktøy for å hjelpe deg å holde deg frisk og holde uønskede bakterier og virus unna. 🇬🇧So get our your Oregano Oil…and show your immune system a little love! Oregano oil has known antioxidant properties and is extremely valuable in the quest to maintain optimal cellular health and vitality. It is an ...
all natural Kitchen & rent og giftfritt på kjøkkenet
Happy new year! What better Day to start a cleaner, toxic free Life. And What better place to start than in the kitchen?!! This article will include some causes of toxins and some tips on more environmental friendly products Godt Nytt År! Ett helt år med nye muligheter står foran oss. En perfekt dag for å starte et nytt, rent, mer miljøvennlig, giftfritt liv. Jeg tenker at et godt sted å starte er på kjøkkenet. Denne artikkelen vil inneholde noen grunner og kilder til giftstoffer som finnes på kjøkkenet, og som vi lett kan bytte ut og kvitte oss med. Most people are completely oblivious to the number of toxins hiding in their home. It’s pretty scary once you start tallying everything up and realize you are living in a toxic soup. But ...
Favourite fall diffuser blends
🇬🇧&🇳🇴The best about fall and chilly, rainy, grey days are the idea of staying indoor doing indoor activities I love... knitting, baking, making food, writing articles for the blog and playing with my essential oils. 🇳🇴Det beste med høst, regn-og-ruskevær og kaldere dager er at jeg med god samvittighet kan være inne og gjøre inneaktiviteter jeg liker; strikke, bake, lage mat, skrive blog-artikler og "leke" med mine eteriske oljer. 🇬🇧I'm trying to swap out as many chemical-filled products around my home for more natural ones. I like to call it DITCH + SWITCH. 🇳🇴jeg prøver å bytte ut så mange giftige kjemikalier rundt i huset jeg bare kan og istedet bruke naturlige produkter og eteriske oljer. Jeg kaller det DITCH&SWITCH. 🇬🇧So today I ...
Repurpose & Reuse – making the coolest school bag
So, the other day my daughter Sol (16) came to me with her old school bag and asked me if I could possibly repair and save it. As she have used that bag every single day at school the last three years it's possibly needless to say that bag was totally worn out. I told her I could possibly repair it but it wouldn't last long anyway. I told her she needed a new bag ...but true story, she didn't look happy at all. Now she's away at a last minute vacation just before school starts, and I decided I wanted to surprise her with a new school bag when she gets back home. Proud to say my girls are really into sustainable, earth friendly, reuse, repurpose and all that kind of things .... so making her a school bag out of a re-purposed dungaree ...