A few days ago I went to a party with some girl friends - it was so good seeing them and we chatted like girls do ... you know like talking about everything from saving the world, to every day life, kids, lifestyle... and then all of a sudden one of the girls complimented my hair. It made me so happy! Actually quite a few people have complimented my hair lately... and it's not because I just came out from the hair dresser ... because I didn't. So I thought maybe it's because I actually have hair now ... something I didn't two years ago when I was totally bold after chemotherapy.... maybe it's because I've grown my hair longer this year? But no. She told me my hair looks so youthful, shining and fresh, like I was 20 or something. So she made ...
Making my own luxury Rosewater
This summer season is filled with all the beauty and wonderful scents from all the flowers. Here in Scandinavia it's almost like one big firework during these short months of summer and daylight 24/7. I love it all so much! I love each and every beautiful flower. They all have their own uniqueness. It makes me want to capture it all, putting it in jars and preserve it, keeping it so I can find it during the long winter and remind me of natures beauty. So, every year I set out to make stuff based on flowers and plants I love. Today I want to share my homemade rose water. It's a simple but yet beautiful way to preserve the beauty, scent and color if the oh so wonderful wild roses. Who doesn't loooove the scent of roses?! I use my ...
DIY softening Foot salve
I love walking barefoot during summer feeling the grass or the soil or the sand under my feet makes me feel grounded or somehow closer to nature. Are you a barefoot walker? Does your feet get dry and does the skin crack during summertime? Maybe your feet need some love and care ? Today I want to share my favourite homemade foot salve with you. I definitely need to give my feet some extra love from time to time ... I mean they do a great job carrying me around all day ... and the skin gets dry and cracks if I don't take foot soak, use the foot scrub and use my footsalve. Cracked skin on the heel comes from dry, dead skin cells building up, so it's important to scrub the feet well before adding the salve. This salve is made from 100% ...
The best Avocado face mask
Some days are perfect for a little self care. Personally I think Sunday is a good day to take time to embrace one self, relax, recharge and share some time and have fun with the people I love. I must (sadly) admit I've never really been good at self care or doing things for my self. I'm most happy when I make other people happy and bring smiles all around me. But to do so we all need to take care of one self and love one self too... so ... when I first met my wonderful, beautiful soon to become daughter in law, and she arranged the most delightful, fun, caring, pampering home-spa-wellness day for me and the girls I realised how important and fun and good it really is to just take some time to embrace one self and make some little luxury ...
Glitter girl solid perfume
I got this awesome Idea on instagram today and just had to do my own take on glittery solid perfume. It's summer, it's weekend it's perfect timing for this wonderful, natural, homemade perfume-glittery-cream. 1. The perfume is made of 100% natural, nontoxic, pure essential oils. 2. It won't vanish into the air so quickly (like store bought perfumes made of alcohol and synthetic fragrances) because we use heavy oils and beeswax as carrier oils, and these will sit on your skin and hold onto the scent of the essential oils added. 3. Natural glitter added to make your skin summery, glittery, beautiful. This will suit your tan perfectly and natural. I whipped up this solid glittery perfume in minutes, using only things I had on hand. ...
Homemade deodorant
Happy Day ! Hope Your Day is good. Here in Oslo we have the warmest May Day in more than 70 years I think. It's like the warmest summer day, 32 degrees Celsius... yes, we do enjoy the wonderful summer. Today I'll do my post in Norwegian & English. I usually don't do that - but I think the recipe I'm about to share is too good to be missed because of the language. This is a homemade deodorant recipe - and just let me say: if it works today it'll work any day! my Norwegian friends, just scroll down and you'll find the post in Norwegian 😘 🌱Norsk👇🏻 This recipe is pretty simple but it requires some different ingredients you might have to stock up on first. I made this deodorant a couple of weeks ago because I ran out of my beloved ...
Naturlig deodorant
Her for en tid siden fant jeg en genial løsning på et 'problem'. 😊😊hvordan lage/finne en naturlig deodorant som virker!? Løsningen er naturlig magnesiumolje!! Magnesium er et mineral kroppen trenger, men har vanskelig for å skaffe seg på egenhånd. Derfor kan det være noe kroppen mangler og trenger tilskudd av. Magnesiumolje blir også gjerne brukt av idrettsutøvere for å løse opp kramper og for gjenoppbygging av muskelvev. Brukes også mot urolige bein. Jeg oppdaget også at magnesiumolje virker som deodorant!!den er luktfri og enkel å bruke. Vil man ha duft kan man tilsette noen få dråper eterisk olje. 😊😊vanlig Deodorant/antiperspirant er en av de tingene vi bruker hver eneste dag som kan være svært uheldig for kroppen. ...
Naturlig sommer naturligvis :-)
I forrige bloggpost delte jeg en god del oppskrifter på naturlig solpleie. http://gudruns-blog.blogspot.no/2017/07/sommer-sol-og-eteriske-oljer_9.html?m=1Idag tenkte jeg å fortsette å dele noen hjemmelagde, giftfrie, sommerlige favoritter. Vaskegelé når man ikke har vann, naturlig myggspray , en avkjølende spray for de varmeste dagene, lindring av solbrenthet og kløende stikk og et herlig hudserum med deilig sommerduft. I sommerferien har vi kanskje tett program, kanskje vi er på reise eller kanskje vi nyter dager med ekstra god tid. Uansett er det viktig å ta vare på seg selv, kroppen og huden i de korte sommermånedene. Vaskegelé Her er oppskrift på en super-enkel vannfri, alkoholfri håndvask - et supert ...