One of my all time favourite soups for a cold, gray, rainy day or if someone in the family is about to catch a cold is onion soup. It's warm, tasty and gives you the energy you need. Onion soup Serves 4 - 5 persons 2-3 onions cut and chopped in small pieces 3 cloves of garlic 1 tbsps oil 1,5 litre of water and vegetable stock 2 drops YL thyme essential oil 3 tbsp finely chopped Fresh herbs ; oregano, parsley, thyme or whatever you have on hand. •Put kettle on the heat and add oil, garlic and onion and let cook for a few minutes. •pour over water and vegetable stock •Let cook for 5 minutes. Lower heat • add two drops of thyme essential oil and fresh herbs. •Let the soup simmer for two minutes. •serve warm with bread on ...
Vilter høstgryte
Det er høst og det er tid for de fineste rotgrønnsakene. Jeg er glad i rotgrønnsaker. De er billige, holdbare, smakfulle, fargerike, sunne ... det er så mye godt som kan lages av rotgrønnsaker. Idag vil jeg dele oppskrift på en fargerik og smakfull høstgryte. Det fine med gryteretter er at man ofte kan bruke de grønnsakene man har for hånden. Det går fint an å trikse og mikse med smaker, krydre, farger og ingredienser helt etter eget hode. Håper du blir inspirert. Vilter høstgryte Vegansk Til 6 pers 2-3 fedd hvitløk finhakket 1 løk hakket 1 rød løk hakket 1 eple i biter 2 gulrøtter i biter 1/4 sellerirot i biter 1/4 kålrot i biter 1 gul bete i biter 1 rødbet i biter 3-4 poteter i biter 1/2 purre i tynne ...
Grønn suppe proppfull av vitaminer
Idag deler jeg en herlig kremet, smakfull og supersunn grønn suppe. Denne er god for både barn og voksne. Den Grønne suppaGrønn suppe med grønnkål og spinat. Proppfull av næring, fiber og vitaminer. Til 4 pers. 1 løk hakket 1 kinesisk hvitløk finhakket 1/4 sellerirot kuttet i små biter 4 poteter i små biter 1 liter hakket grønnkål 200 g frisk spinat 1 liter vann/buljong 1 ss olje 2ss hakket frisk timianVarm olje i en gryte. Fres løk og hvitløk Ha i potetbiter og sellerirot og la det frese med løken et par minutter. Hell over vann og grønnsaksbuljong. Ha i hakket grønnkål, spinat og frisk timian. La det koke i ca 10 min. Blend suppen til den blir glatt og jevn. Ha i mer vann om nødvendig. Server med et egg og frisk timian på toppen. ...
Yummy wheat bran pancakes
Friday and time for some relaxing and time together. As a mom of teenagers and young adults life is busy and time spent together might be short as they all have busy schedules. Never the less I realise time is precious and I feel thankful and happy every time we are gathering around the table, taking some time just to be, eat, and be together. Also as a mother of grown up kids I have the pleasure of observing and being a part of their creative journey and their everyday. Today my Sol had this genius idea she turned into an awesome recipe for a fast, yummy, healthy treat. She has always been the baker, the queen of cake making, cake pops and cupcakes... gathering the family around the table and turning even the most ordinary day into a ...
Enkel Søtpotetsuppe – sweet potato soup with Apple and ginger
God kveld! Good evening! For norwegian Scroll down. Today i want to share a super simple yummy recipe on sweet potato soup with ginger and apple. So easy everybody can make it. It's vegan and tasty and filling. Perfect for any everyday dinner. Sweet Potato soup Serves 4 1 sweet potato peeled and chopped in pieces 1 onion peeled and chopped in pieces. 1 carrot peeled and chopped. 1 apple shredded 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, shredded. 1 Chinese garlic peeled and finely chopped. 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 litre vegetable stockHeat the oil in a casserole. Add garlic and onion. Let simmer for a few minutes. Add carrot and sweet potato. Pour over the vegetable stock and let cook for aprx 8 minutes. Add shredded apple and ginger. Let cook for ...
Luxurious magnesium salve for dry and cracked hands and feet
🇳🇴👇🏻 Today I’m sharing a luxurious homemade magnesium skin salve. Many of us struggle with dry crackrd skin, and This salve is so rich and oily - perfect for dry hands and feet at night. It also contains magnesium. More than 80% of us may have a magnesium deficiency, but most of us don’t know we’re deficient. That’s because the symptoms of magnesium deficiency are common symptoms of many other conditions as well- feeling tired and run down, not sleeping well, getting headaches, digestive issues, and feeling stressed and anxious are just a few of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is an essential mineral to make the body work properly. Many aspects of our modern life can lower our magnesium levels: • too much ...
Berry smoothie bowl
🇳🇴Norsk👇🏻 Good morning!! Today, as promised I'll share a super delicious autumn-inspired smoothie bowl - filled with vitamins. What better way to start the day 😊 Berry smoothie bowlServing 1 person 150 ml frozen (or fresh) blueberries A handful (aprx 60 ml) frozen or fresh raspberries 12 red sweet grapes 2 tbsps yoghurt 1 teaspoon coconut sugarAdd all the ingredients to a blender and blend well until smooth. Pour your smoothie into a bowl and add a spoonful of homemade granola (see recipe HERE) Add a few blueberries and raspberries and a little sprig og fresh mints. Enjoy! 🇳🇴🇳🇴 Norsk: God morgen!! Som lovt igår, deler jeg nå en herlig høst-inspirert smoothie bowl. Dette er noe som har blitt mer og mer populært i det siste ...
homemade granola
🇳🇴Norwegian recipe 👇🏻 Fall is here and it's time for more indoor activities, filling up the body with good energy and boosting the immune system to get trough the colder seasons. I'm busy hoarding good mushrooms, berries, fruits and veggies... love the colors and all the wonderful gifts of the fall season. Today I want to share one of my absolute favourite breakfast granola recipes. I love homemade granola because it's soooo good, it's healthy and contains almost no sugar compared to store bought granola. It's also much more affordable! And last but not least... it's so fun and easy to make. The best homemade granola 1 litre rolled oats 100 ml chia 100 ml linseed 200 ml shredded coconut 300 ml chopped whale nuts 100 ml ...