English👇🏻 God kveld! Rart å snakke om frokost når klokka er over 22 om kvelden .... men Jeg fikk lyst til å dele denne super kjappe og enkle kald-grøten med dere. For meg er det alltid en god start på dagen å spise en lett og sunn frokost. Det er ikke alltid man har tid til å lage så mye eller orker å spise så mye ... for meg kan denne kaldgrøten som overnatter i kjøleskapet være en perfekt løsning. I tillegg til å være sunn og næringsrik er den full av vitaminer, mineraler, fiber og gode saker for å starte dagen godt. Den er også vegansk. Jeg har også hatt i EN dråpe ingefær (ginger) eterisk olje for fordøyelsen og god smak. Du kan gjerne bytte ut ingefær med kanel (cinnamon) eller thieves. Men husk EN dråpe er nok!! Du trenger ...
Vegan mushroom wraps – vegansk sopp wrap
🇳🇴👇🏻 Today I've been on a little walk in the forest with a dear friend of mine. We both enjoy the forest at all seasons ... and in the autumn we enjoy all the gifts we can find in the forest such as berries and mushrooms. Today we were lucky to find quite some of this rare black trumpet mushroom. We also found some chanterelles, and last but not least we found peace and balance and support in the nature to recharge and be empowered. As I came home I wanted to celebrate the season of fall and make something good to eat. So, as three of my teenagers / young adults were here I decided I wanted to make some yummy vegan mushroom wraps with cauliflower and lentil filling and salad. This was actually such a hit I want to share it. You ...
The best vegan beetroot soup – Vegansk favoritt-rødbetsuppe
I'm back home after a wonderful weekend in Prague at Young Living convention, filled with essential oils, good food, friendship, listening, learning and enjoying natural lifestyle and how to get even better. I love to travel, I love learning, see new places, meeting new and old friends, but coming home is a blessing and always feels wonderful. Being surrounded by my people, my family, the people that love and support me is precious to me. So, as a few of you know I struggle with pretty heavy fatigue syndrome which means I need to make sure I use my energy wisely and recharge a lot (!) Today is my day to recharge. Even if the trip to Prague filled me up with so many good things, new knowledge, friends, ideas it also is energy ...
Bulgur salad for lunch
About a week ago i posted a couple of lunch box ideas. They were all in Norwegian just because I know these people in this northern corner of the world usually bring their lunch box for school, work, outdoors... whatever... I didn't realise my lunch box ideas would be appreciated all over the world. The lunch box post was actually one of the most popular posts... even if it was written in Norwegian only. So To make up and to bring all of my blog readers and blog friends the possibility to read my lunch box post the recipe today will be in English and Norwegian. I've made a super tasty, healthy, filling salad with bulgur and lots of fresh veggies. You can of course mix it up with whatever veggies you prefer. So without further ...
Garden berry tea
Today is tea Day. Fall has arrived in Oslo and it's getting colder. Lucky I'm prepared as I harvested leaves and some berries to dry and make this years garden-berry tea. I gathered green leaves from blackberry, black currant, red currant, wild strawberries Melissa and added in a few berries too. I let the green leaves air dry on a rack in my kitchen. I dried the berries at 70 degrees Celsius in the oven. When the leaves was dry I crushed them and added the crushed leaves and dry berries to a glass jar with an airtight lid. If you enjoyed this recipe for homemade garden berry tea, maybe you'll like my recipe for peppermint tea from the garden too. You'll find it HERE. ...
Best breakfast – god frokost
🇳🇴Norwegian👇🏻 Are you a morning person? Are you filled with joy and sunshine every morning? Do you like getting out of bed in the morning and get started with a good breakfast, coffe, exercise or whatever morning-people do in the morning.... or are you more like you want to stay in bed as long as possible, putting your clothes on, maybe some coffee and then off to do whatever your day brings? Either how, we all know our bodies need fuel to get started, and even if you jump out of bed and have your breakfast early or you need to take some time before you eat your first meal of the day it's a great idea to eat something healthy, something nourishing that fuel up your body in a good way. Today I want to share this easy made cold porridge ...
Potato&zucchini soup
Today is the first day of this semester of school and "everydays". So, after a wonderful weekend with vintage Volkswagen camping, racing and friends we dived into our Monday with our hearts filled with tons of good summer memories, laughter, hugs and sunshine ... So, for some reason I love the fresh start of new everydays. It gives me the opportunity to create new routines, start fresh and make changes. One of the things I love the most with "everydays" are planning, preparing and making the meals and gather the family for a healthy meal. I love the idea of sitting around the table taking time to eat healthy and share what ever happened in our day. The meal itself doesn't have to be fancy, actually I love simple, easy made, tasty ...
Keeping the inspiration while working on larger creative projects.
The last couple of weeks I've been working on a large crochet summer shawl. I've made a previous post on this project too. You'll find it here. Today I'm finishingup the instructions and pattern in Norwegian and English (!!!) and they will be available shortly so stay tuned. When working on larger, more time consuming yarn projects like this one or knitting sweaters or anything like that people often ask me how I find the patience to finish such a time consuming project. And you know what... I have no idea (!). Lol. True story. While working on some big crochet or knitting project I always have thousands of new ideas popping up in my head. New ideas. New inspiration. But what keeps me going, finishing the project is probably the joy, ...
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