🇬🇧&🇳🇴The best about fall and chilly, rainy, grey days are the idea of staying indoor doing indoor activities I love... knitting, baking, making food, writing articles for the blog and playing with my essential oils. 🇳🇴Det beste med høst, regn-og-ruskevær og kaldere dager er at jeg med god samvittighet kan være inne og gjøre inneaktiviteter jeg liker; strikke, bake, lage mat, skrive blog-artikler og "leke" med mine eteriske oljer. 🇬🇧I'm trying to swap out as many chemical-filled products around my home for more natural ones. I like to call it DITCH + SWITCH. 🇳🇴jeg prøver å bytte ut så mange giftige kjemikalier rundt i huset jeg bare kan og istedet bruke naturlige produkter og eteriske oljer. Jeg kaller det DITCH&SWITCH. 🇬🇧So today I ...
36 eteriske oljer for lommeboka – 36 budget friendly Essential oils
🇬🇧&🇳🇴This article is all about essential oils on a budget, and will be in English and Norwegian. The translation is along the text so you'll have to scroll trough the whole post to read it all. I love my essential oils. I love them so So much that I have a shelf with all my oils in my kitchen and I go there to sniff and use them trough my day, in my diffuser, on my skin, in my Food and drinks, as suppliment, for wellness, for cleaning.... I use my essential oils every single day. Not all of them of course! I have some favourites, some must haves and some oils that keep me healthy and make me feel well that I use every day. I have some oils I use occasionally and some oils I use for specific issues. Some time ago someone asked me if ...
Happy Feet with essential oils
Helloooo! How are you summertime people doing? Enjoying your lazy days off? Are you walking the streets of foreign cities or exploring new places? Or are you working your feet off at the outdoor restaurant or any other place ? Either way, I thought it was just the right time for sharing some happy news for your summer feet. 😊 I have some pretty awesome diy recipes for warm, dry, tired summer feet I want to share with you. Maybe you already know I looooove my essential oils and use them every single day in multiple ways. My essential oils really changed my life in so many ways. They are all natural, organic and 100%toxic free. If you like to know more about the oils you'll find a whole lot in the category ETERISKE OLJER or in ESSENTIAL ...
Natural spray for natural beautiful looking hair
A few days ago I went to a party with some girl friends - it was so good seeing them and we chatted like girls do ... you know like talking about everything from saving the world, to every day life, kids, lifestyle... and then all of a sudden one of the girls complimented my hair. It made me so happy! Actually quite a few people have complimented my hair lately... and it's not because I just came out from the hair dresser ... because I didn't. So I thought maybe it's because I actually have hair now ... something I didn't two years ago when I was totally bold after chemotherapy.... maybe it's because I've grown my hair longer this year? But no. She told me my hair looks so youthful, shining and fresh, like I was 20 or something. So she made ...
The best Avocado face mask
Some days are perfect for a little self care. Personally I think Sunday is a good day to take time to embrace one self, relax, recharge and share some time and have fun with the people I love. I must (sadly) admit I've never really been good at self care or doing things for my self. I'm most happy when I make other people happy and bring smiles all around me. But to do so we all need to take care of one self and love one self too... so ... when I first met my wonderful, beautiful soon to become daughter in law, and she arranged the most delightful, fun, caring, pampering home-spa-wellness day for me and the girls I realised how important and fun and good it really is to just take some time to embrace one self and make some little luxury ...