For some reason I've always been a true fan of plant based "milk". Even as a kid when "every kid in the country" had to drink milk, (they even served milk at school to make sure everyone got the calcium they needed to grow and stay healthy) I somehow managed to slip away from the milk-sessions at lunch. When I was at home my mother made me homemade alternatives for milk - like homemade sesame, almond or oat milk - and I LOOOOVED it! I especially loved the sesame milk with it's fresh, nut-like taste. At that time I never heard about any store bought alternatives to cow-milk, and I guess my friends thought I was a bit nuts to drink those homemade, strange "milky" stuff. Times have changed, and these days it's ...
The best homemade cherry-tropical nicecream❤️
🇬🇧🇳🇴I think the best part about days off and holidays are having time to make all kinds of yummy, homemade food and enjoy good meals with family and friends. Today I want to share one of my all time favourite desserts; nicecream - an icecream made frozen banana, frozen fruit and berries and optional plant based milk to make it easier to blend. Making nicecream is super simple and it's always always tasty and all people will love it. Today's nicecream is made of frozen banana, mango, pineapple and cherries but you can change it up and use whatever fruits and berries you have on hand. The "cream base" in this recipe is frozen banana and oat milk so this nicecream is all vegan too. 😊 Cherry-tropical nicecream 3-4 servings 1 1/2 frozen ...
Homemade spicy hummus – free recipe
🇬🇧🇳🇴Happy wednesday and happy spring 💚🌱 Today I've been out on a hike with one of my best hiking buddies 💚 this time we enjoyed spring weather in the near by woods and along the local river. The spring flowers are just starting to peek out and the birds are "all over" singing and whistling. I'm feeling like I fall in love with nature all over again each time I take a walk or go on a hike. Springtime and the sunny, yet a little bit cold air, invited us to bring lunch and have picnic in the woods - which brings me to today's recipe. I brought home baked bread and homemade spicy hummus as bread spread - topped with finely chopped celery and pumpkin seeds. I love this spicy hummus on freshly baked bread - and thought maybe you would like ...
Gode søndagsvaffler. Veganske vaffler også. :-)
Finnes det noe bedre å kose seg med på en søndag enn gode, nystekte vaffler?!! Idag har jeg gått en herlig, liten skitur i vakkert vinterlandskap. For meg er det ekte rekreasjon. Turen trenger ikke være lang, og tempoet bør være akkurat så langsomt at jeg kan glede meg over synet av snø på trærne, sollyset gjennom greinene og småfuglene. Hjemme igjen lagde jeg vaffler og hele familien satt rundt bordet. Små, gode søndagsting som gjør meg glad. Tenkte jeg ville dele mine to vaffel"oppskrifter" med deg. Jeg skriver "oppskrift" i gåsøyne fordi jeg normalt sett lager vaffler "på slump", men stort sett på samme "slump" hver gang. Er du veganer er det ikke noe problem... den ene oppskriften er vegansk. Egg er byttet ut med aqua faba ...
Tips for going vegetarian or vegan in 2019
TIPS FOR GOING VEGETARIAN OR VEGAN It's the time of year for New Years resolutions and plans for the new year. Maybe you've been thinking about going vegetarian, vegan, eat more sustainable, lead a cleaner, healthier life, loose some weight, feel lighter, gain more energy, be earth friendly or any other reason for going vegetarian or vegan. No matter why you are thinking about making the switch, these Tips For Going Vegan are sure to help you on your way! As a vegetarian since early age, (these days i'm not strictly vegetarian but serve mostly vegetarian food at home ), mom of four, chef and vegetarian chef with special intrest in vegan and vegetarian food and diets, founder of the veggie cantina and cooking classes at the ...
Crispy fest-grønnsaker i «frakk»
Dagene går fort og snart er det helg. Helga er tid for litt ekstra god mat og tid for å gjøre litt ekstra ut av måltidene. Kanskje invitere noen på middag? Jeg har lagd noen skikkelig smakfulle, artige grønnsaker kledd i en crispy "frakk" av nøtter, kokkos, sesamfrø og brødkrum. Disse crispy grønnsakene bakes i ovnen og er både sunne og delikate. Sammen med en babaganoush (aubergine mos) og en linsehummus er dette en fin del av en tapas, som hovedrett eller som tilbehør. God fornøyelse! (Retten kan gjøres helt vegansk ved å bytte ut egget i paneringen med kikertsaft som er rik på bindestoffer. ) Panerte grønnsaker, babaganoush og linsehummus Panerte grønnsakerFår en sprø og smakfull utside. Stekes i ovnen slik at de inneholder veldig ...
Vegan mushroom wraps – vegansk sopp wrap
🇳🇴👇🏻 Today I've been on a little walk in the forest with a dear friend of mine. We both enjoy the forest at all seasons ... and in the autumn we enjoy all the gifts we can find in the forest such as berries and mushrooms. Today we were lucky to find quite some of this rare black trumpet mushroom. We also found some chanterelles, and last but not least we found peace and balance and support in the nature to recharge and be empowered. As I came home I wanted to celebrate the season of fall and make something good to eat. So, as three of my teenagers / young adults were here I decided I wanted to make some yummy vegan mushroom wraps with cauliflower and lentil filling and salad. This was actually such a hit I want to share it. You ...
The best vegan beetroot soup – Vegansk favoritt-rødbetsuppe
I'm back home after a wonderful weekend in Prague at Young Living convention, filled with essential oils, good food, friendship, listening, learning and enjoying natural lifestyle and how to get even better. I love to travel, I love learning, see new places, meeting new and old friends, but coming home is a blessing and always feels wonderful. Being surrounded by my people, my family, the people that love and support me is precious to me. So, as a few of you know I struggle with pretty heavy fatigue syndrome which means I need to make sure I use my energy wisely and recharge a lot (!) Today is my day to recharge. Even if the trip to Prague filled me up with so many good things, new knowledge, friends, ideas it also is energy ...