🇬🇧&🇳🇴This tutorial is about my recent discovery -self made dryer balls. I've heard of them before, but never gave them a try. To be honest I was happy with my laundry soft and fresh from the dryer. The dryer balls however makes the towels even softer and fluffier and gives the laundry a nice, all natural scent if you like to use a few drops of essential oils on your dryer balls. Some years ago I read the list of ingredients on the fabric softener. That was quite enlightening! Now that I know about the chemicals that get added to the laundry with the commercial fabric softener, there is no way I'll use a fabric softener ever again. For my laundry I'm already using thieves laundry detergent by young living , my own homemade laundry soap ...
Yellow kashmere socks suitable for easter 💛 Free pattern
🇬🇧🇳🇴Easter holiday and time to relax and recharge and enjoying. I've brought home the yellow socks I knitted for Saturnia garn (the best yarn shop💛) as I think these socks make the perfect Easter socks. I've posted the knitting pattern in English and Norwegian all for FREE HERE Enjoy Easter and enjoy knitting! 💛💛 🇳🇴god påske!! Tid for å slappe av og lade batteriene. Jeg har tatt hveteaks-sokkene jeg strikket for saturnia garn med hjem for anledningen. Jeg tenkte disse gule, vakre, varme sokkene strikket med hot socks pearl garm med kashmere ville være perfekte påskesokker. Jeg har tidligere delt strikkeoppskriften på disse sokkene helt gratis HER på bloggen.(Trykk her eller på bildet over så kommer du til oppskriften) Så da er ...
Knit Easter chicken 💛 strikka påskehøne&hane
🇬🇧&🇳🇴All set for Easter 💛🧡 . We had so much fun making these Easter hens yesterday while teaching our young friend how to knit. It turned out this free Easter hen pattern by #sandnesgarn was a perfect first knitting project. Here is link to the pattern in norwegian https://sandnesgarn.global.ssl.fastly.net/media/files/6571/901kits-07_p_skehaner.pdf - it's possibly available in English as well. https://www.sandnes-garn.com/ Klar for påske. 💛🧡 Vi hadde det så gøy med å lage disse strikka påskehønene (og hane) igår på vår lille "strikkeklubb". Jeg hadde lovt å lære en ung venn å strikke og det viste seg at strikkeklubben og strikkeprosjektet ble då populært at ungdommene i heimen også ble med - så det blir mange fine pådkehøner. ...
Staycation for the happy homemakers 🌱 sharing our summer projects.
Sponsored by www.hobbii.dk Happy Monday!It's mid July, it's the warmest summer in more than 70 years in Oslo .... we are enjoying the days off and summer at home, rewinding after the wedding weekend one week ago and just chilling, doing things we love. Yes, we love DOING things. So, we enjoy our staycation in the garden, working on our self made pergola project (Jarle is doing the most woodwork) and after doing the entire framework we've now added in windows on two sides of the pergola 😊 I'm enjoying the day at the deck chair in the garden. Crocheting. I'm really so excited about the collaboration with hobbii and the beautiful organic wool I'm testing, I can't help myself but sharing my crochet project. Most times I don't share ...