So, today I decided I wanted to share one of my tried and true, super simple, fast and easy everyday-vegan-dishes. 🙂
You probably have everything needed on hand already, or at least you can easily get it in your local supermarket.
This chilli sin carne is super easy and tasty. and best of all – if you have left over cooked rice the rest takes about 5 minutes to make. 🙂
If you prefer you can cook your own beans ( not using canned) and make Your own chilli (taco) seasoning – or you can make it as simple as possible – that’s totally up to you.
In this recipe I’ve chosen to make it as simple as possible. Never the less it’s a Family favourite. Enjoy!
500 ml boiled rice
1 onion finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 can red beans
1 can of beans in tomato sauce
1 can of chick peas
1 can of finely chopped tomatoes
1 can of Sweet corn
2-3 tbsps taco seasoning (homemade or premade)
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp sugar
-heat the oil in a large iron pot. add garlic and onion and let simmer for a minute.
-add beans, chick peas, Sweet corn and tomato. stir well and add seasoning, sugar and oregano.
-bring it to boil and add the rice. Stir well and serve.
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